What Are The 7 Main Types Of Learning Disabilities


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How Common Are Learning Disabilities

Learning Disabilities In Children – Causes and Remedies

It is estimated that between three and five percent of Americans have a learning disability. This means that millions of people are affected by these disorders each year. Approximately 40 percent of people with learning disabilities have a second disability as well.

Out of this population, boys are more likely to have a learning disability than girls. This is because boys are more likely to have a neurological disorder that impacts learning.

What Are Some Signs Of Learning Disabilities

Many children have trouble reading, writing, or performing other learning-related tasks at some point. This does not mean they have learning disabilities. A child with a learning disability often has several related signs, and they dont go away or get better over time. The signs of learning disabilities vary from person to person.

Please note that the generally common signs included here are for informational purposes only the information is not intended to screen for learning disabilities in general or for a specific type of learning disability.

Common signs that a person may have learning disabilities include the following:

  • Problems reading and/or writing
  • Trouble telling time
  • Problems staying organized1

A child with a learning disability also may have one or more of the following1:

  • Acting without really thinking about possible outcomes
  • Acting out in school or social situations
  • Difficulty staying focused being easily distracted
  • Difficulty saying a word correctly out loud or expressing thoughts
  • Problems with school performance from week to week or day to day
  • Speaking like a younger child using short, simple phrases or leaving out words in sentences
  • Having a hard time listening
  • Problems dealing with changes in schedule or situations
  • Problems understanding words or concepts

These signs alone are not enough to determine that a person has a learning disability. Only a professional can diagnose a learning disability.

Evaluation Procedures For Ld

Now for the confusing part! The ways in which children are identified as having a learning disability have changed over the years. Until recently, the most common approach was to use a severe discrepancy formula. This referred to the gap, or discrepancy, between the childs intelligence or aptitude and his or her actual performance. However, in the 2004 reauthorization of IDEA, how LD is determined has been expanded. IDEA now requires that states adopt criteria that:

  • must not require the use of a severe discrepancy between intellectual ability and achievement in determining whether a child has a specific learning disability
  • must permit local educational agencies to use a process based on the childs response to scientific, research-based intervention and
  • may permit the use of other alternative research-based procedures for determining whether a child has a specific learning disability.

Basically, what this means is that, instead of using a severe discrepancy approach to determining LD, school systems may provide the student with a research-based intervention and keep close track of the students performance. Analyzing the students response to that intervention may then be considered by school districts in the process of identifying that a child has a learning disability.

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Type : Traumatic Brain Injuries

There are over 2 million head injuries in the U.S. every year. And the number of concussions diagnosed among young people aged 10-19 has skyrocketed by 71%. Many people arent aware that mild brain injuries can lead to confusion, difficulty with concentration and paying attention, memory problems, anxiety, depression, and moreall of which can interfere with academic performance.

Other Disorders That Make Learning Difficult

Common Disabilities &  List of Impairments

Difficulty in school doesn’t always stem from a learning disability. Anxiety, depression, stressful events, emotional trauma, and other conditions affecting concentration make learning more of a challenge. In addition, ADHD and autism sometimes co-occur or are confused with learning disabilities.

ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder , while not considered a learning disability, can certainly disrupt learning. Children with ADHD often have problems sitting still, staying focused, following instructions, staying organized, and completing homework.

Autism Difficulty mastering certain academic skills can stem from pervasive developmental disorders such as autism and Asperger’s syndrome. Children with autism spectrum disorders may have trouble communicating, reading body language, learning basic skills, making friends, and making eye contact.

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Most Common Learning Disabilities

School requires hard work in order to be successful. However, for some students, even hard work may not be enough. Some students are faced with additional challenges in the classroom due to learning disabilities. A learning disability is a disorder that inhibits the ability to process and retain information. Because there are numerous mental processes that affect learning, learning disabilities can vary dramatically. Here are five of the most common learning disabilities in classrooms today.

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Who Has Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are neurologically based processing issues that can affect people of all ages. Most often they are detected in childhood as issues with learning skills such as reading and writing, science or math. However, they can also affect adults with higher-level skills, such as time management and organization, and they can cause issues with short-term memory and the ability to focus and pay attention.

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Why Choose Amen Clinics For Treating Learning Disabilities

Through our brain imaging work using SPECT technology, we have discovered that learning issuessuch as attentional, emotional, or behavioral problemsare not single or simple disorders. They all have multiple types, including 7 types of ADD/ADHD and 7 types of anxiety and depression. Thats why giving everyone the same treatment will never work. Treatment that is beneficial for one child may not work for another or could even make their symptoms worse. This is why we create a personalized treatment plan for each person based on their brain type. We have also found that lifestyle interventions and other natural strategies can help improve symptoms in children and adults with certain learning disorders and other problems, which is why we take a comprehensive approach to healing.

Types Of Learning Disabilities: Discover 10 Common Learning Disabilities

Definitions & Types of Disabilities

There are different types of learning disabilities. These disabling conditions are either present at birth or gradually occur during the childs early development.

The main causes are injury to the brain, which affects its growth, and a primary nervous system disorder.

Identifying these disorders early makes them easier to treat, which is why school curriculums should include special education programs.

What kinds of learning disabilities are there today? Most of you have probably run into a few terms when searching. Lets explore the most common learning disabilities.

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Types Of Specific Learning Disability Intechopen

  • Post date: 6 ngày trc
  • Highest rating: 3
  • Summary: The chapter centers around seven learning disabilities namely, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, auditory processing disorder, language processing disorder,

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  • Post date: 27 ngày trc
  • Highest rating: 4
  • Summary: Dyscalculia. A specific learning disability that affects a persons ability to understand numbers and learn math facts. · Dysgraphia · Dyslexia · Non-Verbal

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The Myth Of The Management Team

Striding forward to do battle with these dilemmas and disabilities is the management team, the collection of savvy, experienced managers who represent the organizations different functions and areas of expertise. Together, they are supposed to sort out the complex cross-functional issues that are critical to the organization. What confidence do we have, really, that typical management teams can surmount these learning disabilities?

Senge writes about how managers often care more about protecting their turf and their egos and default into a stance that make it hard for organizations to learn. I worry about this because I sometimes do think that Id rather seem like I know the answers and express a measure of certainty with everything I say, especially with our team. Senge writes later on about how reflection and inquiry are key behaviors to overcoming this protective stance. I know that before I expect anyone else to be open and inquisitive in the face of uncertainty, I need to work on this for myself.

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Classification Of Learning Disorder

Learning difficulties are classified at multiple levels, including categorizing children as LD, usually achieving, or mentally inferior, and within LD, as reading versus math impaired. LD is distinguished from types of low achievement that are expected due to emotional disturbance, social or cultural disadvantage, or inadequate instruction, and is identified as a particular type of unexpected low achievement across classes of presumed childhood conditions that produce underachievement .

LD is rarely conceptualized as a single disability in any federal or non-federal classification rather, it is represented as a broad category that includes difficulties in any one or a combination of academic disciplines. The federal definition of 1968 specifies seven domains: listening speaking basic reading reading comprehension arithmetic calculation mathematics reasoning and written expression. The inclusion of these seven aspects of impairment in the federal classification assures that the LD category encompasses a wide range of learning issues and that the very diverse learning problems should be grouped together. Even today, many studies simply label groups of students as learning disabled, despite mounting evidence that LD correlates with poor reading, math, and other subjects .

What Is Effective Instruction For Students With Ld

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Students with learning disabilities benefit from instruction that is explicit and well sequenced. Effective teachers help students with LD learn how to use strategies for managing their assignments. For example, a teacher might teach students to use a graphic organizer that outlines the important information from a text. A different type of organizer might be used to help students remember to bring home the right supplies for a homework assignment.

Teachers often need to provide accommodations to help children learn in class. These are changes in how tasks are presented or responses are received that allow the child to do the same work as their fellow students. Students might receive the assignment in larger print or be allowed to take a spelling test by reciting the words instead of writing them. They might be given more time to complete an assignment. For more information about accommodations, go to:

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What Are Learning Disabilities Ppt

DEFINITION Specific Learning Disabilities means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, speak, read, spell or to do mathematical calculations.22-Apr-2020

How Can You Know Your Child/children Have A Learning Disability

Compare your childs reading, writing, and arithmetic skills with those of his/her classmates. Your child may exhibit a learning disability if he or she is behind in any of these areas, or if there is a combination of them.

When comparing the skills of their children, parents should keep in mind that learning disabilities vary from child to child.

The typical signs of a learning disability include problems in reading, writing, spelling, or math. But these problems may not have been identified.

Its important to be aware of early warning signs of a learning disability so you can seek help from a specialist.

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The Diagnosis And Testing Process For Learning Disabilities

Diagnosing a learning disability is a process. It involves testing, history taking, and observation by a trained specialist. Finding a reputable referral is important. Start with your childs school, and if they are unable to help you, ask your doctor or friends and family who have dealt successfully with learning disabilities.

Types of specialists who may be able to test for and diagnose learning disabilities include:

  • Clinical psychologists
  • Occupational therapist
  • Speech and language therapist
  • Sometimes several professionals coordinate services as a team to obtain an accurate diagnosis. They may also ask for input from your childs teachers.

    Integration, sequencing, and abstraction: Technical terms for how the brain works

    A professional learning disorders specialist might refer to the importance of integration to learning. Integration refers to the understanding of information that has been delivered to the brain, and it includes three steps:

  • Sequencing, which means putting information in the right order.
  • Abstraction, which is making sense of the information.
  • Organization, which refers to the brains ability to use the information to form complete thoughts.
  • What Is Specific Learning Disability Pdf

    Learning Disabilities | Types of Learning Disabilities | Common Misconceptions | Dr. Preetha

    Specific Learning disability means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological. processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may. manifest in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or to do mathematical. calculations.05-Jul-2022

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    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder commonly diagnosed in children and adolescents.

    It is a neurobehavioral disorder affecting 3% to 7% of school-aged children and 4% to 11% of adults. Several behaviors must be present for someone to be diagnosed with ADHD.

    In particular, they include poor attention spans, hyperactivity or restlessness, impulsive behaviors, or difficulty delaying gratification or waiting for their turn.

    ADHD presents a unique set of challenges to many people with significant learning disabilities, as it can be hard to keep a consistent focus and absorb information.

    It can be even more difficult for a person who cannot focus to learn what they need to know to succeed at school.

    What Is Specific Learning Disorder

    Specific learning disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders that are typically diagnosed in early school-aged children, although may not be recognized until adulthood. They are characterized by a persistent impairment in at least one of three major areas: reading, written expression, and/or math.

    An estimated five to 15% of school-age children struggle with a learning disability.1 An estimated 80% of those with learning disorders have an impairment in reading in particular . Dyslexia is highly prevalent affecting 20% of the population.2 Dyslexia affects male and females equally. There is a high comorbidity of specific learning disorder with other neurodevelopmental disorders as well as anxiety.1

    Specific skills that may be affected include word reading accuracy, spelling, grammar, or calculation. In addition, fluency in reading and mathematics may be noted. Difficulties with these skills often cause problems in learning subjects such as history, math, science and social studies and may impact everyday activities and social interactions.

    Learning disorders are categorized as mild, moderate and severe. Accommodation and support services align with the severity to facilitate a persons most effective functioning.

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    Learning Disabilities In Math

    Learning disabilities in math vary greatly depending on the child’s other strengths and weaknesses. A child’s ability to do math will be affected differently by a language learning disability, a visual disorder, or a difficulty with sequencing, memory, or organization.

    A child with a math-based learning disorder may struggle with memorization and organization of numbers, operation signs, and number facts . Children with math learning disorders might also have trouble with counting principles or have difficulty telling time.

    Supporting Kids With Learning Disabilities: What Parents Need To Know

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    Children with learning disabilities can fight their struggles and become better versions of themselves. With timely intervention and support, children can be successful in school. It is always advised to seek help from a mental health professional or other trained specialists for the required intervention or therapy.Here are some of the ways parents can help children through their learning disabilities:

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    Signs And Symptoms Of Learning Disabilities: Preschool Age

    • Problems pronouncing words.
    • Trouble learning the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, or days of the week.
    • Difficulty following directions or learning routines.
    • Difficulty controlling crayons, pencils, and scissors, or coloring within the lines.
    • Trouble with buttons, zippers, snaps, or learning to tie shoes.

    The Enemy Is Out There

    The enemy is out there syndrome is actually a by-product of I am my position, and the nonsystemic ways of looking at the world that it fosters. When we focus only on our position, we do not see how our own actions extend beyond the boundary of that position. When those actions have consequences that come back to hurt us, we misperceive these new problems as externally caused. Like the person being chased by his own shadow, we cannot seem to shake them.

    I think one of the most pleasing things Ive seen at Barrel, especially over the past few years, has been the widespread sense of ownership at the company. Weve been very good about squashing an us versus them mentality when it comes to clients and instead, framed it as how can we be of the greatest benefit and resource to our clients. Ive observed team members going above and beyond to answer questions, troubleshoot issues, and work on complex challenges with patience all in order to help our clients hit their goals and look good to their bosses.

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    Three Types Of Learning Disabilities

    The most common types of learning disability include:

  • Nonverbal learning disability
  • Dysgraphia: It is a condition in which an individual has difficulty in writing. The individual may have unusual or distorted writing. In most cases, the individual also finds it difficult to understand different sounds and words that are spoken. Dysgraphia generally occurs among children aged below 15 years, but this specific learning disability may also be present in adults as well. Common dysgraphia symptoms include:

    • Difficulty in writing words and numbers, have problems with spelling and mixing up the alphabets
    • Difficulty in processing the language
    • Difficulty in interpreting the handwriting

    Solutions: Treating dysgraphia may take weeks or even months, but patience is essential. Here are some popular and effective treatments of dysgraphia:

    • Language therapy programs for improving the general writing ability of the child
    • Special training for better recognition of letters and numbers
    • Special training that emphasizes the motor skills of the child such as coordination of the hands

    Dyscalculia: It is a specific learning disability that causes difficulties in understanding basic math principles and solving simple problems. The dyscalculia-affected child finds it hard to interpret mathematical symbols and numbers. Even simple arithmetic problems are difficult for them to solve. Common symptoms of dyscalculia are as follows:



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