Heart Failure Disability Living Allowance


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What Does Pip Mean

Disability living allowance video diaries – the Guardian

PIP stands for Personal Independence Payment.

This is a non-means tested benefit that people can apply for if they have a physical or mental health condition or disability where they have had difficulties with daily living or getting around for 3 months and expect these difficulties to continue for at least 9 months.

How can I find out if i’m eligible?

You have to be over 16 years old to apply for PIP and meet the full eligibility criteria which you can find here: www.gov.uk/pip/eligibility

Having a diagnosis of cardiomyopathy does not entitle you to PIP, you have to be able to show how your condition and any other conditions you might have affect your daily life, and the impact it has upon you physically and emotionally.

The PIP application form will ask you to organise relevant medical letters to support your claim and you will need to use the form to describe how your life is impacted on a daily basis.

Refusal Of The Allowance

If the DWP come back with a refusal for the allowance they will give reasons for the refusal.

If you dispute the comments and the decision then your initial response is to ask for the application to be reconsidered or revised. This is known as mandatory reconsideration. You need to write within one month of the date of the decision letter explaining your reasons and asking for a revision to the decision. You cannot appeal without having first asked for a mandatory reconsideration.

The allowance may be awarded following a reconsideration or revision if it is not and you do not agree with the reasons for refusal you have a right to formally appeal the decision.

Contact Gillette Law Group

To ensure that you have an effective disability application, let the Gillette Law Group help you. Over the years, we have served many claimants like you and enabled them to successfully receive benefits from the SSA, regardless if it was their first time applying or if they had a previously-rejected claim. Our in-depth experience can work for you and help you get the approval you need.

Dont hesitate to talk to us, as we provide you with a free consultation. Call us at 873-2604 today.

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Objective Symptoms Of Congestive Heart Failure

Several objective symptoms of congestive heart failure can help diagnose the condition. These include:

  • A feeling of fatigue or tiredness
  • Shortness of breath, especially during activity
  • Swelling in the ankles, feet, legs, abdomen, or veins in the neck
  • Increased urination, particularly at night
  • Weight gain due to fluid retention
  • Difficulty sleeping or waking up rested
  • Irregular heartbeat or palpitations
  • Chest pain or discomfort

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is essential to see a doctor as soon as possible. Congestive heart failure is a severe condition that can be fatal if left untreated. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve your chances of recovery.

Answer A Few Questions To Check Your Eligibility

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Congestive heart failure , or chronic heart failure, is a potentially lethal condition where the heart cannot pump a sufficient amount of blood, which can cause blood to accumulate in the vessels leading to the heart and can cause congestion or accumulation of fluid in various parts of the body. CHF is usually accompanied by an enlargement in the size of the heart.

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When Is Congestive Heart Failure Considered A Disability Making You Eligible For Disability Benefits

The Social Security Administration has detailed criteria in its Blue Book listing that must be met in order for CHF to be considered a disability. A person must have one of these types of CHF:

  • Systolic failure. This is a type of CHF where the heart has weakened pumping strength. To qualify for SSDI, the percentage of blood pumped out of the heart with each heartbeat, which is referred to as the hearts ejection fracture, must be 30 percent or less or the hearts left ventricular end-diastolic dimensions must be larger than 6.0 cm.
  • Diastolic failure. Diastolic failure occurs when the heart cannot fill properly. To meet the SSDIs definition of disability, the thickness of the left ventricular and interventricular septum has to be 2.5 cm or larger, the left atrium must be enlarged at 4.5 cm or larger, and there must be a normal or elevated ejection fraction during a period of stability.

In addition, a person must show that he has one of these symptoms:

  • Inability to perform an exercise tolerance test at a workload equivalent to 5 EMTs or less
  • Continuing symptoms of heart failure that limit activities of daily life
  • Three or more episodes of CHF in the last 12 months that required treatment in an emergency room or hospital for at least 12 hours

If an applicants medical condition does not meet these requirements, he may still be eligible for SSDI benefits if he can show that his congestive heart failure is so disabling that it prevents him from performing the duties of any job.

Treatment Of Congestive Heart Failure

There are many different types of treatment available for congestive heart failure , and the best course of action will vary depending on the patients condition. In general, however, treatment for CHF focuses on relieving symptoms and improving quality of life.

Medications are often useful to treat CHF, and various types can be prescribed. Diuretics, or water pills, are commonly used to help reduce fluid buildup in the body. ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers can help improve blood flow and reduce congestion and strain on the heart. Other medications, such as digitalis, may also be prescribed to help regulate heart rhythm.

In some cases, surgery may be necessary to treat CHF. A procedure called coronary artery bypass grafting can improve blood flow to the heart. Other surgeries, such as valve replacement or repair, may also be necessary.

In addition to medical treatment, lifestyle changes are often recommended for people with CHF. Quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly can all help improve symptoms and quality of life. Reducing stress levels and getting enough rest are also important for people with CHF.

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The Heart Has Four Chambers The Upper Half Of The Heart Consists Of Two Atria And The Lower Half Has Two Ventricles

Atria receive blood returning to the heart from the body and ventricles pump blood from the heart to the body. Chronic heart failure occurs when the ventricles fail to pump enough blood through the body and fluid builds up inside the lungs, abdomen, lower body, and other organs. Blood moves through the heart and body at a slower rate and pressure in the heart increases. As a result, the heart cant pump enough oxygen and nutrients to supply the bodys needs.

When Should I Claim

Disability Allowance

Claims can be submitted anytime after the birth of a child with special care needs. Changes to the allowance rules now mean that the allowance will still be paid when a child is in the hospital. It has been agreed that much of their care is still being provided by their family so the allowance remains an essential tool in their recovery.

The allowance, if granted, will be paid for different lengths of time, such as one, two or three years rarely is it granted for life. Six months before the allowance expires the DWP will re-issue claim forms for reapplication.

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Do You Have A Heart Problem Get A Free Case Evaluation

If you have a heart condition and it is so severe that you will be out of work for at least 12 months, then you may want seek help from a disability attorney.

A disability lawyer will be able to know what heart conditions qualify for disability and will be able to advice you on what listing to match your symptoms under if you are unsure.

Bear in mind that you may still qualify for Social Security Disability benefits even if your heart problems do not fall strictly within the guidelines for total disability, so long as you can convince the Social Security Administration that your heart problems make it impossible for you to engage in any work.

In addition, you must show them that your heart problem makes training for a job other than your original impossible. A qualified disability advocate can help you determine whether you should pursue a Social Security Disability claim.

If you think you might qualify for Social Security Disability benefits based on a heart problem, the two people you should get in your corner are your doctor and a Social Security Disability attorney.

Your doctor will need to substantiate the medical information, as well as document what attempts are being made to control or improve your heart condition.

An attorney who specializes in Social Security Disability gives you the best chances of having your disability claim accepted, as well as helping you through the appeals process, if it should become necessary.

Is Congestive Heart Failure Considered A Disability

Congestive heart failure occurs when the heart cannot pump enough blood around the body. Blood tends to back up in the body and can cause fluid build-up, lethargy, weakness and other symptoms. Congestive heart failure may be a chronic condition or an acute one. You may be able to obtain a disability benefit from the Social Security Administration if your congestive heart failure disability meets the exacting criteria in the SSAs Blue Book.

The Blue Book is a comprehensive list of all types of disability that may qualify for a benefit. There are many good reasons for obtaining a disability benefit, especially when you can no longer work or earn an income because of the effects of the condition you are suffering from. Each type of disability is listed separately in the Blue Book and the criteria needed to obtain a benefit are described in detail. You need to look carefully at the Blue Book listing for heart failure to determine whether the symptoms you are experiencing match the Blue Book listing.

The SSA will consider your application for a benefit if you can show evidence that your disability is severe enough to prevent you from working for at least 12 months and that they match the Blue Book listing. Evidence concerning your hearts condition should be obtained from your doctor together with complete medical history and results of all tests and scans. A residual functional capacity assessment can be made to show that you are unable to continue working.

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What Are Symptoms Of Disabling Heart Failure

Some of the symptoms of Disabling Heart Failure are:

Non-Specific Symptoms And Signs of Disabling Heart Failure-

  • Extreme fatigue and lethargy
  • Sudden weight gain because of retention of fluid
  • Severe shortness of breath with exertion or while at rest
  • Lower extremity edema because of retention of water
  • Persistent cough because of fluid retention in lungs or pleural cavity
  • Increased urinary frequency and renal dysfunction 3
  • Abdominal swelling because of fluid collection in peritoneal cavity
  • Difficulty focusing on tasks
  • Increased blood pressure.

The diagnosis of Heart Failure should be made based on either one of the following observation-

  • The heart size is measured at the end of diastole when chamber of ventricle is at maximum diameter. The heart failure is diagnosed when end diastolic dimensions of left ventricle is more than 6 cm.
  • The claimant should have an EF of less than or equal to 30%. This should be the baseline ejection fraction of the claimant and not during an episode of Heart Failure.
  • Image study suggests diastolic failure when posterior wall of the left ventricular and septal thickness is 2.5 cm or more.

Additionally You Must Exhibit One Of The Following Functional Limitations:

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  • The inability to perform an exercise tolerance test at a workload equivalent to 5 METs or less MET is the amount of oxygen consumed while sitting at rest one MET is the energy it takes to sit quietly or
  • Persistent symptoms of heart failure that severely limit activities of daily living or
  • A minimum of three episodes of heart failure and fluid retention within the past 12 months that necessitated emergency room treatment or hospitalization for at least 12 hours.

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What You Need To Know Before Applying With A Heart Problem

If you are applying for SSDI with a heart problem, be sure that you have all the necessary medical documents.

Like most disabilities, the severity of your heart problem carries as much or more weight than what kind of heart problems you have. Even if your heart problem does not meet the criteria for total disability as listed by the SSA, you may still qualify for Social Security Disability if you can show how your heart problem precludes you from doing any kind of work which you have done or for which you could be trained.

In addition to medical records, meeting a Blue Book listing and employability, the Social Security Administration will examine how your heart problems affect your daily activities.

If You Have Congestive Heart Failure Yet Your Medical Condition Does Not Match Social Securitys Impairment Listing You May Still Be Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits If You Have Another Impairment For Example Kidney Or Thyroid Disease

Applicants often have more than one illness or injury that prevents them from working full time. By itself one disorder may not meet the requirements of an impairment as stated in Social Securitys Blue Book. However, if an applicant has multiple medical conditions, Social Security must consider how those health issues, combined together, limit an applicants ability to hold a job and perform necessary daily tasks. Social Security will also evaluate how your limitations affect your ability to work , taking into account your age, level of education and work experience.

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What Are The Causes Of Disabling Heart Failure

Heart Failure usually develops secondary to weakness of the heart muscles or increased peripheral resistance resulting from constriction of blood vessels. The weakness of heart muscles is caused by decreased blood flow to the heart muscles and increased peripheral blood vessel contraction is observed in-patient suffering with hypertension.

The causes of disabling heart failure is as follows-

Disabling Heart Failure Due To Hypertension or High Blood Pressure-

Hypertension causes increased blood pressure and increased peripheral vascular resistance. Heart then has to pump blood against increased resistance. Heart has to work harder to pump the blood against resistance, which causes thickening of the heart muscles during initial phase and later weakness. Thick heart muscles eventually become less efficient and weak heart muscles pumps less blood to peripheral tissue.

Disabling Heart Failure Due To Coronary Artery Disease And Heart Attack-

Coronary artery supplies blood to heart muscles. Blood carries glucose and oxygen to muscles. Decreased blood flow to heart muscles results in decreased oxygen and glucose supply. The condition eventually weakens the heart muscles or causes severe damage. The narrowing of the coronary artery is caused by obstruction of lumen by a cholesterol plaque.

Disabling Heart Failure Due To Arrhythmia Or Irregular Heart Beats-

Disabling Heart Failure Due To Aortic Valve Stenosis-

Disabling Heart Failure Due To Endo-Myocarditis-

Getting Help With Your Heart Attack And Disability Benefits From Carmichael Law Group

Can I Collect Disability Insurance Benefits if I Have Heart Disease?

Because of the prevalence of heart attacks in the United States, the SSA is especially strict regarding heart attacks as disabilities. It is crucial that you have a highly experienced SS disability attorney in your corner that can provide the documentation the SSA will be looking for. The attorneys at Carmichael Law Group have the ability to do just that through experience, knowledge, and resources. We promise to fight for your disability benefits we believe you deserve an attorney who has compassion for your situation and will not give up easily. Contact Carmichael Law Group, LLC today.

Contact us today for your FREE initial consultation.

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What Heart Diseases Qualify For Disability

Heart diseases that qualify for disability include: chronic heart failure, Ischemic heart disease, symptomatic congenital heart disease, chronic heart failure, arrhythmias, peripheral arterial disease, and Chronic venous insufficiency.

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The SSAs Blue Book, which is the list of conditions that the SSA considers disability, and in which qualify for Social Security disability benefits has an entire section on the cardiovascular system.

The cardiovascular system is located in section 4.00 of the SSAs Blue Book and it lists all the heart diseases in which the SSA considers a cardiovascular ailment.

The SSA defines a cardiovascular ailment as any disorder that affects the proper functioning of the heart or the circulatory system. That section outlines all the heart diseases that qualify for disability.

It will also tell you what the SSA looks for when you send in your application for that heart disease, including what medical evidence and tests to prove that your heart disease is disabling enough that you will be out of work for at least 12 months.

When you send in your disability application for heart disease, the SSA will match your application and supporting medical evidence and try to match one of the listings in the cardiovascular system section of the Blue Book.

Appealing An Adverse Decision In A Congestive Heart Failure Claim

Working with an experienced disability attorney will give you the best chance of getting the benefits you deserve for your congestive heart failure. Even if you have been denied benefits, that does not mean your fight is over. Many people are denied benefits the first time they apply. You have the right to file an appeal and try to get more information that may help your case. Getting expert help is often the difference between being denied and being approved for benefits.

While the process can be daunting, your experienced disability attorney will be able to guide you through the process. They do not get paid until you win your case. You can seek help without worrying about upfront costs or unexpected bills.

The Ortiz Law Firm has successfully represented people in disability cases across the United States. If you would like to talk to an experienced disability lawyer about your congestive heart failure and its impact on your ability to work, call us at . We would be happy to evaluate your case and discuss how to help you through the appeal process.

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